The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy


Integrating Science and Law to Inform Public Policy

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See our Projects


Redefining Laws to Build a

Reliable Future

The National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy (NISLAPP) was founded in 1977 to bridge the gap between scientific uncertainties and the need for laws protecting public health and safety.

Its overriding objective is to bring practitioners of science and law together to develop intelligent policy that best serves all interested parties in a given controversy.

Its focus is on the points at which these two disciplines converge. 


James S. Turner

by carrying his legacy and looking forward  

NISLAPP has undergone a significant transition with the passing of our co-founder and visionary, James S. Turner. However, his legacy lives on through his partner and successor, Betsy Lehrfeld, who is dedicated to carrying forward his mission and advancing NISLAPP’s impactful work. 


Fulfilling Our Mission




NISLAPP continues to be a driving force in promoting public health and safety. Our team, composed of dedicated attorneys, consumer advocates, and experts from diverse fields, collaborates to develop solutions that bridge gaps and empower individuals. 

Our Projects

Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network

Despite the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and the potentially hazardous level of “allowable” radiation in food set by the U.S. FDA, there is no routine testing of U.S. food supplies for radioactive content, exposing a significant portion of the population to considerable health risks. Support FFAN’s urgent mission by signing petitions, educating yourself and others, and making a tax-deductible donation to help raise awareness, develop governmental allies, and secure widespread media coverage to protect our waters and food. 


SafeG® offers a vision for a safe, reliable alternative to the dangerous future which 5G would create. SafeG is not a single product or service, but a framework for an internet and telecommunications system that respects our health, our privacy, our security and our right to choose what is best for ourselves and our communities.

The Solutions Summit

Join us in reshaping the way we tackle urgent challenges in society. The Solutions Summit is your gateway to a paradigm shift – from dwelling on ongoing crises to championing solutions that forge a brighter future. Uniting visionaries with decision makers, our November 2023 online event is a catalyst for change, focusing on Climate, Democracy, Economic Insecurity, and Health. Become part of a pivotal conversation platform that propels essential solutions to the forefront. 

The Transpartisan Project

The transpartisan matrix is a way to look at politics beyond just “left” or “right.” It offers a more detailed map, using a grid with four areas. This helps capture a wider range of political beliefs, considering not just typical party lines, but also how people view personal freedom, community needs, and the importance of rules and order. It’s a tool to better understand the complexities of political thought.

DC Strategic Solutions

DC Strategic Solutions, Inc. was created to form alliances and strategic coalitions, irrespective of political affiliation, in order to enlighten, inform and effectively achieve policy and awareness, and to enhance the survival of the public who would not, individually, have the strength nor the power of such influential alliances.

EMF Education and Advocacy Project

Since 2007, the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy has spearheaded the EMF Education and Advocacy project. This initiative was one of the first to inform both policymakers and the public about the potential health and biological effects associated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from sources like cell phones, various wireless technologies, and wireless infrastructure.

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