

Make an Impact

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Support Our Projects

We are committed to fostering positive change in society through our diverse initiatives. Each project aims to tackle urgent issues that are affecting our communities today. Explore the projects below and consider donating to help us make an impact.

Fukushima Fallout

Awareness Network

Despite the ongoing crisis in Fukushima, the U.S. FDA’s standards allow potentially hazardous levels of radiation in food. FFAN is on a mission to initiate routine testing of U.S. food supplies to protect public health.


SafeG® aims to offer a healthier, secure alternative to the 5G network, focusing on safeguarding health, privacy, and security.

The Solutions Summit

This November 2023 online event aims to shift the conversation from problems to solutions in the fields of Climate, Democracy, Extreme Wealth Inequality, and Health.

The Transpartisan Project

We go beyond conventional politics to capture the nuances of political thought, aiming to unite ideologies for effective discourse.

DC Strategic Solutions

We form strategic coalitions to achieve policy awareness, irrespective of political affiliation.

Electromagnetic Fields

This initiative aimes to educate policymakers and the public about the possible health and biological impacts of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from sources such as cell phones, diverse wireless technologies, and wireless infrastructure.

Every donation, no matter how small, helps us move closer to our goals. Your support is invaluable. Thank you for being a part of our mission.