Electromagnetic Fields

EMF Education and Advocacy Project

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The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy’s EMF Education and Advocacy project was one of the earliest efforts educating policymakers and the public on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell phones, wireless technologies and wireless infrastructure, beginning in 2007.

Photo Credit: Theodora Scarato

Led by award-winning health and environmental activist, Camilla Rees, Senior Policy Advisor, in collaboration with NISLAPP’s founder, the late James S. Turner, Esq., the EMF Education and Advocacy Project’s initial focus expanded over time. It went from first educating the public and policymakers on the vast body of research demonstrating biological and health effects from exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation to addressing broader risks to society stemming from the rampant proliferation of new types of wireless technologies throughout homes, offices and neighborhoods.


NISLAPP went on to additionally focus on tech addiction, screen time risks to children, extensive online manipulation by social media algorithms, and impacts of wireless radiation on recently scientifically discovered water communication, which is necessary to stabilize human and planetary biological systems. Additionally, the EMF Education and Advocacy initiative has been involved in pioneering work related to the growing trend toward media censorship and propaganda regarding health and environmental issues.


When NISLAPP started focusing on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields in 2007, there was widespread ignorance about risks, rapidly proliferating antenna infrastructure, and only a handful of pioneering early activists warning about the need to minimize exposures. The community has since grown to hundreds of U.S. advocacy groups, and many, many groups internationally, on six continents.


The EMF Education and Advocacy project has provided foundational education and strategic advice supporting many of these groups, helping them to raise awareness about the risks, and importantly, educating them about the alternative, superior and safer communications technology options available, while also providing these insights broadly to communities, governments, and in policy, medical, media, NGO, academic, green building and health education circles.

Select Publications

NISLAPP published Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networksby Timothy Schoechle, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, overseen and edited by NISLAPP’s Senior Policy Advisor, Camilla Rees, MBA, explaining why, on technological grounds, among many others, hardwired Internet connections and fiber to the premises is a superior technology compared to wireless communications.

This paper provided the activist community, media, as well as policymakers, a rationale for an alternative to wireless communications that they could be ‘for’ and get behind. Today, we are pleased to see the former Chairman of the FCC, a long-time champion of wireless and an advocate for industry’s interests, is calling for “fiber first” and wireless Internet access in only the rarest of circumstances.

The battle goes on, but the foundation has been laid explaining the essential need for a fast, secure, reliable, energy-efficient and safe telecommunications system using hard-wired technologies.

Earlier, NISLAPP published Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid, questioning why federal stimulus programs are underwriting billions of dollars of ‘dumb’ smart meters for utility companies–with taxpayer dollars–meters to soon become obsolete, and that will not integrate with, or enable, the ‘smart grid’ of the future on which U.S. energy sustainability depends. The paper called for a truly smart grid capable of integrating distributed renewable energy, and without the privacy, security, reliability, economic and potential public health impacts of the present centralized approach.


NISLAPP has organized and presented at dozens of expert panels on technology risks across the country over fifteen years, including groundbreaking programs on special risks to children, on the smart grid and smart meters, programs on tech addition and on tech-life balance. We have presented five times at the Commonwealth Club of California, the nation’s largest and oldest public affairs forum, as well as at community forums, medical conferences, state legislatures, City Council meetings, schools, health expos, private clubs, CEO forums and at a Briefing in the U.S. Congress.


NISLAPP has been actively involved in media relations and publicity efforts for the EMF issue over many years, pitching stories, writing articles, and keeping interested journalists up to date. We have supported filmmakers and authors wishing to cover this topic, educated health and environmental NGOs at U.S. Health Freedom Congress gatherings, as well as privately, and we regularly support environmental and integrative physicians working with challenging patient cases, including taking doctors into patient homes so they better understand the risks and, importantly, learn to use a meter themselves.

NISLAPP has been actively involved in media relations and publicity efforts for the EMF issue over many years, pitching stories, writing articles, and keeping interested journalists up to date. We have supported filmmakers and authors wishing to cover this topic, educated health and environmental NGOs at U.S. Health Freedom Congress gatherings, as well as privately, and we regularly support environmental and integrative physicians working with challenging patient cases, including taking doctors into patient homes so they better understand the risks and, importantly, learn to use a meter themselves.


NISLAPP has produced hundreds of video interviews with EMF experts that circulate online internationally in 163 countries today, including this video featuring Martin Blank, PhD of Columbia University for the International EMF Scientist Appeal to the United Nations.

Your donation today will help continue this vital education and advocacy work, supporting communities worldwide in making informed decisions about technology and health.

Camilla is EMF Advisor to Moms Across America, the Radiation Research Trust (U.K.), FrankLipmanMD.com and the EMR Network; a Voting Member of the U.S. Health Freedom Congress; Member of the American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) and Social Venture Circle; serves on the Advisory Board of Sustainability Associates (MN); and is a Board Member of Media in the Public Interest. For many years she was a behind the scenes EMF advisor to Mercola.com.


Camilla received the “2018 Award in Public Health” from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines as well as the The Jonathan Forman Awardfrom the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, its most prestigious award for outstanding contribution in the field of Environmental Medicine. Since 1968, this award has been given only five times before to non-MDs or PhD scientists, including to Ralph Nader, Congressman Berkley Bedell, and Congressman (now Senator) Bernie Sanders. Camilla was also honored by the U.S. Health Freedom Congress as a Wisdom Speaker, delivering an acclaimed keynote, “The Inner Dimension of Activism“, in 2018.

NISLAPP EMF Education and Advocacy Project advisors on a panel at the Commonwealth Club of California. From Left to Right: Duncan Campbell, Esq., Timothy Schoechle, PhD, James S. Turner, Esq. and Karl Maret, MD.

Camilla has been widely interviewed on television, radio, podcasts, and has presented on numerous educational summits. She co-authored with Dr. Magda Havas, “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” when first entering the field and later authored the booklet, “The Wireless Elephant in the Room“, which has been distributed widely across the United States for grassroots education.


She has created the websites, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications and ElectromagneticHealth.org, and curates the Facebook group, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools for parents, teachers, schools and students.

Camilla has provided testimony in several legal cases, including supporting a Petition to the FDA calling for legal compliance with its obligations regarding public exposure to non-ionizing radiation from electronic products, and a Petition to the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) over FCC Wireless Technology Exposure Guidelines. Her testimony in this case succinctly explains the EMF issue for newcomers and for those wanting a comprehensive understanding of the issue.


Camilla Rees co-authored “Cellphones and Brain Tumors, 15 Reasons for Concern – Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone” with the International EMF Collaborative, just as the telecom industry-supported 10-year, 13-country Interphone study denying risk was published. The report was endorsed by 43 international scientists expert in electromagnetic fields and circulated globally. The report detailed eleven design flaws in the Interphone study leading to a ‘systemic skew’ that greatly underestimated risk of brain tumors, and documented the scientific evidence showing cellphones use does cause brain tumors.

On balance, NISLAPP’s EMF Education and Advocacy Project has been fighting for a human future. We seek, for all, lives in line with the balance, harmony and peace found throughout Nature and toward that end for society to utilize the safest communications technologies available at all times, considering the negative biological, brain and soul-level effects of both technology overuse and Radio Frequency Radiation overexposure.

NISLAPP is very grateful to our past and present funders for allowing us to shine a light on the challenges modern technologies have brought into the lives of adults and children alike, and for the important opportunity to educate the public, media and policymakers about alternative approaches to communications that can minimize if not eliminate the risks. We are grateful to be able to be a force for good and to nurture life in this way.

Camilla Rees presenting at the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines conference in Santa Fe, NM with Dr. Martin Pall, Lloyd Morgan, B.S., Yury Kronn, PhD and Zach Bush, MD.

There is much work ahead on this critical public health issue! We have high impact initiatives underway needing support. Please consider a donation to NISLAPP’s EMF Education and Advocacy Project* to whatever degree you can. We are so appreciative of your help.

*If you’d like to discuss how to donate appreciated securities, please contact Camilla Rees at camilla@manhattanneighbors.org