About Us


Bringing Science & Law Together to Create Intelligent Policy

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Our Story

The National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy (NISLAPP) was founded in 1977 to bridge the gap between scientific uncertainties and the need for laws protecting public health and safety. Its overriding objective is to bring practitioners of science and law together to develop intelligent policy that best serves all interested parties in a given controversy. Its focus is on the points at which these two disciplines converge.

What We Do

Attorney, author, and consumer advocate James S. Turner, a co-founder of the organization, and other board and staff members have served as a source of policy advice to the consumer movement, industry, and public policymakers. Their activities to promote the application of common-sense criteria to common-good concerns have included research, policy papers, speeches, testimony at Congressional hearings, FDA petitions, legal actions including filing amicus curiae briefs, cosponsoring regulatory and judicial initiatives, and collaboration with selected industry representatives, as well as participation in government-sponsored events and cosponsoring or supporting activities at the grassroots level.

Our Mission & Approach

The constantly evolving nature of scientific research, together with the accelerated pace of technological advancement, has drawn into question the reliability of the information on which decision makers in both government and industry rely. Many of the innovations that have led to the development of new products and processes have also raised significant new health, safety, and efficacy issues for consumers. NISLAPP’s mission is to help reconcile the historical and political vagaries of the legal process with the absence of “absolute” scientific answers in addressing immediate and long-range consumer concerns. Rather than attempting a definitive resolution of such problems, this approach is aimed at encouraging honest interplay to help promote autonomous arrangements in areas of health and public safety.

Get Involved

Are you passionate about what we’re doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We’ll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We’re excited to have you join the team!