Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network


Act Now:

Protect Our Food and Future from Ongoing Harmful Radiation Release 

Sign the Petition!

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NISLAPP is partnering on our Givelify Fundraiser for Education and Action.

The FDA is tasked with food safety, yet lifted all restrictions on imports from Japan. Food deemed unsafe in Japan (and countries that have banned their food) is still imported by the U.S.  Tea, sushi, beef, produce and more are at risk. But it doesn’t end there. Fukushima radiation fell on U.S. soil on the west coast and detected as far east as Maine, Vermont, and Florida. Routine nuclear power operations (venting and wastewater dumping of tritium & more) compound the problem. Food in this country MUST be more closely examined and tested to ensure the health and safety of our communities.


The Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN), is an alliance of parents, concerned citizens, and affiliated organizations, dedicated to protecting our food and water from radioactive contaminationFFAN is devoted to advocating for stricter testing and regulation of radioactive contaminants in our food and water to ensure the safety and well-being of children, women, and all citizens. 

The Urgent Challenge

Fukushima Waste is NOW Poisoning the Pacific!

As of August 2023, Japan has begun releasing 1.3 million tons (and counting) of Fukushima Wastewater into the Pacific Ocean and is expected to do so for decades 

Despite the persistent crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, where contaminated water continues to be released into the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. FDA has set a potentially hazardous level of “allowable” radiation in food: 1,200 Becquerel (Bq) per kilogram (kg) of cesium-134 and cesium-137. Alarmingly, this is merely a recommendation and holds no legal weight. Such a high threshold exposes a significant portion of the U.S. population, particularly children and women, to considerable health risks. 

FFAN is urging the FDA to lower its allowable cesium limit to five Bq/kg and to make it binding, not just a guideline. This aligns with a similar call by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany, which is advocating for a European Union-wide standard of four to eight Bq/kg. 

Take Action Now!


Sign the Petition

Sign our companion petition on MoveOn.org


Comment on FDA Citizen Petition on Regulations.gov. Let them know radiation in our food should be rigorously and scientifically regulated

Be Informed

Listen to Bob Richmond’s (U of Hawaii) compelling explanation of the Generational Damage of Tritum’s Release into the Oceans

Your tax deductible donations are used to raise awareness and support our efforts to get Congress and Local Governments to Act to protect our water and food supply


Under the stewardship of Kimberly Roberson, FFAN has proactively undertaken various initiatives to raise awareness and advocate for change: 

Founded Becquerel Awareness Day in 2013, to educate the public about nuclear radiation

Conducted informational teleconferences featuring expert guests on the FDA Citizen Petition and the Transpacific Partnership

Launched online education campaigns with endorsements from leading environmental and health organizations

Implemented education campaign on the dangers of attending the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, and the Torch Relay held just a few kilometers from Fukushima’s nuclear meltdowns, bagged radioactive rubble and waste

Organized multiple petitions concerning Fukushima and radiation monitoring

Hosted letter writing campaigns to public officials

Issued multiple press releases regarding Fukushima’s impact on food

Engaged with the Japanese Consul in San Francisco to deliver an international petition urging a halt to the incineration of radioactive debris in Japan

Organized and hosted Zoom “Meet the Director” with Philippe Carillo of The Fukushima Disaster, the Hidden Side of the Story and other conferences

Initiated social media campaigns to underscore the escalating dangers of man-made radiation in the food supply

Conducted live interviews for TV, radio and podcast for Kimberly’s book “Silence Deafening, Fukushima Fallout..A Mother’s Response”

Created the Radioactive Red Herring Series for social media to alert young people of the realities of nuclear power and next generation reactors



Develop allies in Congress and others to urge the FDA to greatly reduce the current allowable levels for radiation in food and mandate radiation testing to binding limits that are far lower than current non-binding guidelines



Amplify awareness on the effects of man-made radiation from nuclear (cesium, tritium, and more) in our food. Engage parents, educators, youth and young adults on the need to fully transition to renewable energy which has a far safer and healthier impact on the food we eat


Secure widespread media coverage that draws attention to the risk of man-made radiation in food (tritium, cesium, and more), with an emphasis on current non-protective standards, lack of testing by FDA and the urgent need for change



Kimberly Roberson is Project Director of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN). She has worked as a Diet Counselor and Nutrition Educator, and served on the board of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. Prior to a career in nutrition, Kimberly worked at Greenpeace USA. In April 2011 she wrote the first petition calling for improved food regulations due to the ongoing Fukushima crisis, which led to the formation of FFAN. Kimberly wrote a book for parents and caregivers, entitled, “Silence Deafening, Fukushima Fallout…A Mother’s Response.”


Your support is vital to our efforts to protect the health and safety of our communities. Donate now to help us continue our important work.

Photo by Cheryl Casteen

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